Canadian ISBN Agency

The Canadian ISBN Agency is the government agency in Canada responsible for issuing publishers an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for their publications.

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a system of numerical identification for books, pamphlets, educational kits, microforms, CD-ROMs and other digital and electronic publications.

Assigning a unique number to each published title provides that title with its own, unduplicated, internationally recognized identifier.

An ISBN is Required for the Sale and Distribution

An ISBN is required for the sale and distribution of a publication. Publishers, booksellers, libraries, and others in the book industry use ISBNs to identify publications and determine the publishing country.

Tydbyte Media ISBN

Tydbyte Media is a Canadian publishing company registered with the Canadian ISBN Agency of Library and Archives Canada that has been issued the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) prefix: 1-894057.

Visit the Canadian ISBN Agency website:

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